
Lis Smith, a goon hired by the Democratic National Committee to sling mud and combat more choices in elections, is scheduled to offer Maui residents tips on tactics she has engaged to shrink democracy. Having failed to keep Robert F. Kennedy off the Hawaii ballot in the fall, Ms. Smith says her team continues to actively fight to reduce the number of choices Americans have at the ballot box. She also plans to talk about the new book she is writing, "My Desk: Where Democracy Goes to Die," expected to be available for the busy holiday season.
123 Main St.
Wailuku, HI 96793
United States
Patchy rain nearby, with a high of 76 and low of 70 degrees. Sunny for the morning, patchy rain nearby in the afternoon, clear overnight.
Thank goodness Alanui is on the job! I heard even Bezos is in on it
“Maui is our number one safety cone account!” They helped
me buy my house by buying 1 million safety cones at $100 each “