
Government officials on Friday issued a revision to its rule to pick up all littered masks off the ground before the state's pandemic emergency proclamation can expire.
State of Hawaii health officials are instructing the public to wear rubber gloves while picking up the hundreds of littered face masks around the islands ~ or use a tool to do so.
"When we made the announcement last week that all carelessly discarded masks must be picked up before we all can return to normalcy, we didn't anticipate people being freaked out by the thought of touching an abandoned mask," said Lola Davies of the Hawaii State Department of Health. "We're also noticing that some people are unafraid to pick up a discarded mask, inspect it closely, and use it on their face, if it doesn't look to grody."
In response, the health department urges caution for residents to pick up littered face masks. If possible use a rubber glove, and place masks in a container to be sealed as soon as possible after the pick-up.
Those allergic to latex, or who have no access to rubber gloves, can use one of those metal grip thingies use generally for picking up trash at parks, or use a stick or something.
State officials are particularly concerned with people re-using face masks found on the ground, especially now that everyone is broke because inflation has reached Jimmy Carter levels.
"Our face mask sales have dropped significantly this whole year, whether it's because people can see the light at the end of the tunnel when masks are no longer mandated, or they just can no longer afford new masks," said Patty LeBlanc, assistant manager of an XYZ Store in Kihei. "If the decision is between eating or buying a mask, people will choose to eat, of course."
Last week, Gov. David Ige announced that unwanted, discarded, littered masks have become a plague all over the islands, including on Maui where they are very noticeable on the side of many roadways. He ordered that all masks must be picked up off the ground before the state will lift the "temporary" emergency situation that was ordered 2 years ago.