
County health officials have revised its guidelines for hiking safety on Maui, to include slippers or shoes with thick heels for protection against cuts and thorn stabs.
"It is okay, even recommended, that heels on slippers or shoes be at least an inch thick," said Kikila Lapuwale, director of forward thinking for the County of Maui's health department. "The thickness protects feet from sharp volcanic rock on hikes like through La Perouse, as well as those crazy-long thorns you step on in North Kihei."
The health department recommends any heels except stiletto heels, which they are still in the process of studying, Lapuwale said.
"So if you see some hikers on Maui trails wearing stiletto heels, they're most likely part of our study, and not some kind of a weirdo," he said.
Some residents and visitors said they appreciate the new recommendations. One couple recently hiking in La Perouse south of Wailea said they were already engaging high heels to hike Maui.
"We had friends in Portland tell us how sharp that darn volcanic rock can be," said Jessica McCarron of Portland, Oregon. "So we came prepared. I feel safer with my 2-inch heels on these trails."
Local lifestyle and clothing brand Maui Built already is studying a new line of hiking shoes with kitten heels. Officials from Nike said they are also interested, but they are checking with manufacturing decision-makers in China before moving forward.